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Voice Recognition


Local Schools

Soaring to Success


1. We moved during the school year; how do I change my child’s bus?

All transportation changes are made through the student’s school. Please be sure to update the school with your latest information, including address, phone number and day care arrangements.

2. How do I request transportation for a student?

Call the Transportation office at 419-465-2093 or the BOE Office at

3. Will the pick-up and drop off times be consistent?

During the first week of school, our pick up and drop off times might vary by as much as 30 minutes until we fine tune the bus routes and learn which students are riding. Loading the students at the end of the day, the first few days of school, takes a little time. Please be patient with us during this time. After the adjustment period, times should be consistent. Parents or babysitters receiving kindergarten students should be out at the stop 10 minutes before the scheduled drop off time.

4. What is the maximum time a student may ride his/her school bus in Ohio?

There is no identified target number that districts are obligated to meet. It is up to each school district to manage the length of time students ride their bus. Ride times vary by traffic, locality and numerous other criteria; therefore, each school district’s ride times can be different.

5. What is ‘state minimum’ transportation?

State minimum requires transportation for only those students in grades K-8 who reside more than 2.0 miles from school. The state does not require us to transport grades 9-12. However, districts do have an obligation to transport students with special needs, as identified in those students’ Individual Education Programs (IEP).

6. I cannot see my child’s bus stop from the house. Are there state laws that set the standards for bus stop location?

No law requires a parent to see the bus stop from home. Students in Ohio may be assigned to a bus stop up to one-half mile from their home and we encourage parents to accompany their child to the bus stop whenever possible. This teaches the child safe habits of walking to and from the bus stop and may give the parent peace of mind. Bus stop locations are determined by each district’s board of education.

7. Can I allow my child to wait inside of my house until the bus is at the stop?

Ohio law requires children to be waiting at the bus stop prior to its arrival. Bus drivers count the students at the bus stop before they load and as they get on the bus to ensure all children are safely on board. If students are not waiting at the bus stop the bus driver cannot count them and cannot be certain the students are all safely on board. Waiting at the bus stop before the bus arrives further ensures that no one chases after the bus – this is a very dangerous thing to do. Many districts also instruct their buses to not stop at locations where no students are waiting.

8. Why can't my child get off wherever she wants in the afternoon?

A child may get dropped off at an alternate location only in an extreme emergency. A note stating exact instructions pertaining to the temporary drop off location must be written by the parent and approved by the school administrator. The school administrator will give the note to the driver.

9. Can my student get off the bus without a parent/guardian/designee there to meet them? What happens if I am not there to meet the bus?

A parent/guardian/designee is required to be at the stop only for kindergarten students. Students in grades one through eight are not required to have an adult at the stop.

If no adult is at the stop to receive a kindergarten student:
Monroeville students are taken to the bus garage at 50 Broad St. and Parents/Guardian will be notified

10. Will my child be picked up and dropped off on the residence side of roadway?

Frequently, we are able to route our buses so that the students are dropped off on their residence side, however, there are occasions when the students must cross the street. When students have to cross, it is very important that they always pay attention to the driver and follow the crossing procedures the driver has taught them. Your child will be instructed on the proper signals they will receive from the driver to know when it is clear and safe to proceed. The driver will also provide instructions as to their place of safety and the importance of staying in their place of safety until the bus clears the stop. We need your help to assure the children follow these procedures.

11. How can I become a Monroeville school bus driver?

To be considered for a bus driving position, complete a job application through the Monroeville BOE Office. Monroeville Schools will conduct driving, hiring, and training on an as needed basis.

12. What happens during delays and closings?

Classes will begin two (2) hours later than usual. St. Joe's students will also be on the same delay. The Ehove bus will depart the high school two (2) hours later than originally scheduled. Dismissal for all schools will be at the normal dismissal times. Students that attend other schools that we service will also be on the same delay.

Delaying the opening of school provides additional time for school personnel, city personnel and county personnel to remove snow and ice from the roadways and sidewalks. In the event weather conditions do not improve as expected, the schools may close. When schools are closed all schools in the district are closed including St. Joes. There will be no bus transportation provided for the out of town schools that we may service, that remain open. Please know that if Monroeville Schools are announced closed, that is a final decision and will not be changed.
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