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Local Schools

Soaring to Success


K-12 Registration and Open Enrollment Instructions

Preschool Registration will be opening soon!  Please check back regularly.
Open Enrollment applications for 2025-26 will be available here and at the school staring March 1st.

Monroeville Schools uses the Final Forms software to enroll new K-12 students online.  If you have a preschool student, please go to the Preschool page for instructions.  Please note, that no student will be enrolled without an appointment and due to time restraints will not start attending on the same day as enrollment.  

Please check with your county auditor to determine what school district you reside in at Huron County Auditor (419) 668-4304, or Erie County Auditor (419) 627-7746.


If you are a RESIDENT of Monroeville School District: 

1.   If you do not have an existing Monroeville Final Forms account you will find instructions on creating one by clicking Final Forms Account Registration from the list of downloads on this page.  If you do not have access to a computer or smartphone, please call Janet Gerber at 419-465-3510 to set up an appointment in which you will be provided a laptop and any assistance needed. Parents with existing Final Forms accounts should log in and click the Add Student option.

2.   After you complete the forms online, you MUST call for an appointment to complete the registration process.  Please call the district registrar at 419-465-3510 to schedule an appointment.  Incoming 7-12 graders will also receive an appointment with the guidance counselor to create a schedule.

3.   A custodial parent or legal guardian must bring the following documents to your appointment.  No person other than a parent or legal guardian will be permitted to enroll a student.

                Required Items:

  •       Student birth certificate 
  •       Photo identification of the custodial parent or legal guardian.  
  •       Immunization Record
  •       Individualized Education Plan (IEP) - Only applicable to special education students.
  •       Proof of custody - In the event of a legal separation or divorce, the parent who has legal custody must provide a complete copy of the court-ordered custody agreement indicating which parent is the child's residential parent for school purposes.  
  •       Preschool students have additional requirements, please see the preschool page.
  •       Proof of residency - In addition to the Sworn State of Residency included in Final Forms please bring in an item with your name and current address such as a deed, lease, rent receipt, current utility bill, etc.
  •       If your student has been enrolled in another school system, we realize most of these items will come with their records, but waiting on records will greatly delay the enrollment process and may not contain everything needed.  

Requested Items:

  •       Most recent grade card, transcript, or withdrawal grades - Needed for 7-12 grade students for scheduling purposes 

If you are a NON-RESIDENT wishing to apply for Open Enrollment:  

1.    Review the Open Enrollment Guidelines and Stipulations from the downloads section.

2.    Print and complete the Open Enrollment Application and return it per instructions.

      3.    Once you receive notification that your student has been approved for open enrollment, please continue 
             with the enrollment process by following steps 1 - 3 above


If enrolling a 7th/8th grader from St. Joesph's for athletic purposes only:

    1.     When enrolling in Final Forms, please select External Student and enter St. Joesph's for Enrolled School.

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