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Voice Recognition


Local Schools

Soaring to Success


1) What is the pre-approval process and how does it change in the summer?

Pre-approval is only required if the service that is being done is not with one of the organizations that is listed on our service resources page. In those cases, the student would need to submit the pre-approval form, on the website, and wait for notification of approval before performing that service.

2) Can students do a service and get approval/credit for it at a later time?

In order for a student to receive credit for service that is done, they must submit the completed service form, on this web site. As long as the service was done within the current school year, June 1st to May 31st, and meets district requirements the student will receive credit for those service hours.

3) Where do students find service opportunities?

On the service learning resources page there is a list of area non profits and organizations that have expressed opportunities for student service. Additionally, students may seek other service opportunities through their churches, extra-curricular programs, athletic teams, through the village and school district, various scouting and 4-H groups, or senior citizen groups or individuals that could require help.

4) Will there be an annual "community day" where students can perform a large group service?

The school is currently partnering with the Village of Monroeville for a “community day”. On this day students will spend the afternoon performing service around the village, in the parks and trails. Students will receive some credit for the service that can be applied to their 10 hours for that year. It is the goal of the district for this to be an annual occurrence.

5) How many service hours are required for graduation and how does it affect the first couple participating classes?

The total number of service hours required for graduation is 40. (That is arrived at by performing 10 hours of service each year beginning during the student’s Freshman year.)

Students who are Seniors the first year this is implemented will be required to complete 10 hours of service to graduate. Students who are Juniors the first year the program is implemented will be required to complete 20 hours of service to graduate. Students who are Sophomores the first year the program is implemented will be required to complete 30 hours of service to graduate. The Freshman, class of 2019 will be required to perform 40 hours for graduation. Each class after the class of 2019 will also be required to perform 40 hours of service for graduation.

6) What is considered "service"?

Please consult the service-learning page to see a definition of service and a list of appropriate and inappropriate service projects.

7) Do students only have the option of serving organizations that are "partners" of the School?

No. Students can perform any service that they choose as long as they have received pre-approval. This would be done by submitting the pre-approval form found on this web site and getting notification that the service has been approved.

8) What happens if a student does not meet the requirements annually and/or by graduation?

If a student fails to meet the service requirement prior to graduation the student would not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremonies and would not receive their diploma. Those students would then have until July 31st of the current school year to complete those hours in order to receive their diploma.

9) How do students document their service?

Students, upon completion of service, will fill out the service form and submit it electronically to the service committee. The committee will then credit the student for the hours performed. Those hours will be kept track of and documented through the student’s electronic profile and hard copies of those forms will be kept in the student’s permanent record. Students are also encouraged to keep a copy for their own records.

10) How can parents get involved?

Planning your own service project with your child is one of the best ways to get them involved in their community. Discuss with your child what interests they have and help them for find opportunities in those areas. Finally, volunteer with your child. Volunteering together is a great opportunity to bond as a family and show that service to others can make a difference.

11) What does an organization have to do in order to become a "partner"?

All an organization would need to do to become a partner is to contact the school and express an interest to be added to the resource page.

12) What do I get out of Service?

While service is not done for personal gain, the personal rewards of service are many. Performing service will give you an opportunity to take what you have learned in school and apply it to real world situations. You will develop personal relations and connections that will serve you when you head out to college or the work force. Service will help you expand your resume and show employers and institutions of higher learning that you have a well-rounded background and possess characteristics and skills that they are desperately looking for. Finally, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you have made a difference in someone’s life that is less fortunate than you.

13) What is Service Learning?

The mission statement of Monroeville Local Schools calls for creating students who are critical thinkers, creative problem-solvers and socially responsible individuals. Through the collaboration of school, home and community, every Monroeville graduate will be well prepared for the global challenges of the 21st century. Service learning compliments this goal by helping students realize the value of meaningful, respectful service to others and understanding their role in their community. Additionally service learning imparts life longs skills such as improving a students interpersonal skills, increasing their ability to work and empathize with others, learning the importance of involvement in their community and establishing relationships that will benefit them through out the course of their lives.

14) Are students receiving academic credit for community service hours?

Students do not receive academic credit for service hours. The hours they perform are applied towards the graduation requirement of 40 hours of service over the 4 years of their high school career.

15) Is student "reflection" required?

Once the student has completed their service there is an evaluation form on our web site that must be completed. As part of that form students must reflect on the impact of that service.

16) Are there any risks involved in Service Learning?

Service that is performed with any of the organizations on our list present no more risk than a student would potentially face at an after school job or extra curricular activity. Service that is provided for individuals or groups that are not listed on our resource page should be evaluated based on any risks the student might face performing said service and a decision should be made accordingly.

17) How do students learn more about the Service Learning requirement?

Students can explore the service learning web site under the schools web page for more resources, tips and information about service. Students can also contact any member of the service learning committee or a faculty member about questions they might have.

18) Is the Service Learning Coordinator available year round?

Yes. Mr. Paul can be reached by email or phone year round. See the web site for contact information.

19) What if a student does more than the 10 hours of service for the year?

Service hours above the 10 per year cannot be applied to the 40 total hours. Each student must complete 10 hours per year. But hours that are in excess of the 10 per year can be applied to a special service-learning diploma. This diploma will be awarded to students who do 100 or more hours over their high school career. Those individuals will also be eligible for the Presidential Service Diploma.

No. Service can be done anywhere as long as it meets the definition of service outlined on the districts web page. All service, not done in conjunction with a provider on our list, must be pre-approved and when the service is completed, the evaluation form must be submitted.

We understand younger students may have transportation issues with regards to their service. In an effort to assist with this challenge there will be many service opportunities around school. Additionally, because the students have 12 calendar months to complete their hours, it should be easier to find a time during summer, vacations, or breaks to find transportation. If a student is unable to find any transportation it is possible for them to make up missed hours in subsequent years of school. (For example as a Junior or Senior)

22) Does service during the school day count?

No. Service must be done outside the school day. There will be an organized day of service in association with the village that will be conducted during the school day that students will get some credit for but the rest of service must be done outside the school day.

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