I can talk in complete sentences.
I can ask what a word means if I do not know.
I can listen to others and wait for my turn to talk.
I can ask and answer questions about a story.
I can hold a book the right way when I read.
I can turn one page at a time when I read.
I can hold a pencil or writing tool with three fingers.
I can understand that lines form letters and letters make words.
I can count to 20.
I can point to the numbers 1-9.
I can tell you the names of the shapes.
Social Studies
I can follow daily schedule.
I can see that everyone gets to participate in activities.
I can follow the rules and take care of my things.
I can see how rules help keep things fair and will keep me safe.
Language and Literacy
I can follow two-step directions that I am asked.
I can talk with others to share my ideas, solve problems and find new information.
I can use a clear speaking voice when I share my stories and ideas.
I can tell you the big things that happened in a story.
I can tell you what happened in a story.
I can tell who the characters are in a story.
I can listen to and take part in a story that is read to me.
I can understand that words tell us what to read.
I can understand that the words I read have meaning.
I can write the letters in my name.
I can tell you how many are in a group of 3 without counting.
I can touch an object for every number I say.
I can count a group of objects and tell you how many are there by telling you
the last number that I said.
Social Studies
I can share things about me that are special to me.
I can see ways that my family is different from my friends.
I can explore objects and events in my environment.
I can ask questions about things in my environment.
I can make letters when I am writing.
I can tell you if two words rhyme.
I can give you a word that rhymes with another word.
I can tell you what part of the story the picture is showing.
I can talk about people I know, places I have been or things I have done.
I can draw a picture to help tell my story.
I can tell you if a group of objects is greater than, less than, or equal to another group.
I can add 2 groups of objects and tell you how many I have altogether.
I can take objects from a group and tell you how many is left.
I can make observations about things I see.
I can take part in investigations that we do.
Social Studies
I can share things about my family that are special to us.
I can fix arguments with my friends by talking things through.
I can make choices and know what will happen when I make those choices.
I can talk about the book or topic that others are talking about.
I can talk back and forth with others.
I can tell you what the author does.
I can tell you what the illustrator does.
I can tell you who the author and illustrator are.
I can tell you how two stories are the same and how they are different.
I can tell the difference between a word and a sentence.
I can clap the syllables in a word.
I can write words using letters.
I can copy a pattern that was made.
I can add on to a pattern that was made.
I can create a pattern.
I can describe and compare things we are learning about.
I can sort, order and classify things we are learning about.
I can record observations using words, pictures, charts or a graph.
I can use tools while doing an investigation.
I can talk using words in the right way.
I can learn and use new words that I read and hear.
I can tell how things I read in a book are alike or different.
I can describe and group things that I learn from a book.
I can start to sound out words.
I can tell you the first sound I hear in a word.
I can tell you the last sound I hear in a word.
I can tell you the names of all the letters in my first name.
I can tell you the names of some uppercase letters.
I can tell you the names of some of the lowercase letters.
I can read what I write.
I can put a period at the end of my sentences.
I can put objects into different groups by size, shape or another way they are alike.
I can compare objects by looking at their size, length, weight or how much they can hold.
I can put objects in order from biggest to smallest.
I can see patterns and relationships in things we are learning about.
I can make predictions about things we are learning.
I can use pictures or other words in a story to figure out what a word means.
I can tell you if a story is made up or real.
I can tell you the topic of a story when we read about real things.
I can sound out words that I use all the time.
I can identify initial and final sounds in spoken words.
I can use pictures and write words to make many kinds of writings.
I can measure how much an object can hold by filling it with a smaller object.
I can measure the length of a bigger object using another smaller object.
I can make inferences, generalizations and explanations on what we are learning about.
I can share what we are learning or what I saw using words, pictures or by acting it out.
Social Studies
I can tell where our resources come from and how we get them.
I can talk about our resources and how important it is to save them and not waste them.
I can understand that every word has a meaning and is connected to an object.
I can read a book with excitement in my voice.
I can read words that I see all the time.
I can recognize and “read” familiar words or environmental print.
I can use pictures and write words to share my stories and ideas.
I can answer questions about my writing.
I can gather answers of simple questions into groups that are alike.
I can tell you where an object is using words like on, down, beside or under.
I can see that objects are made of different things.
I can see how an object will move after I push or pull it.
Social Studies
I can put words that mean the same thing into groups.
I can tell you that each letter has a name.
I can use books to learn more about an idea I am writing about.
I can use computers, cameras and other tools to help share my ideas.
I can use words like cube, cone and sphere to talk about a box, ice cream cone or a ball.
I can look at two shapes and tell you how they are the same or different.
I can make shapes using blocks or other objects while I build and draw.
I can put 2 or more shapes together to make another shape.
I can hear how different objects make different sounds.
I can tell where light comes from.
Social Studies
I can look at a map and tell what some things are.
I can see that I want many things, but there are reasons that I can’t always get what I want.
I can tell you the sound each letter makes.
I can tell you how things that are alive look and act.
I can tell you how things that are alive use the outside environment for food, water, and a place to live.
I can talk about different parts of my body and how I use them.
I can talk about how living things change as they grow and get older.
I can tell you how people are the same and different then other things that are alive.
I can see how things outside in nature change over time.
I can see how things that I do outside to nature can be helpful or can be hurtful.