Key Ideas & Details (Literature): I can ask & answer questions such as how, what, where, when,
why, & how to demonstrate understanding of key details in text. I can recount stories, and determine their central message,
lesson, or moral. I can describe how characters in a story
respond to major events & challenges.
Key Ideas & Details (Informational Text): I can ask & answer questions to demonstrate
understanding of key details. I can identify the main
topic of a multi-paragraph text. I can know & use
various text features.
Phonics & Word Recognition: I can know & apply grade-level phonics & word analysis skills in
decoding words. (Long & short vowels, vowel teams, 2-syllable
words, prefixes & suffixes, irregular spelled words.
Fluency: I can read with sufficient accuracy & fluency to support comprehension. I can read
on-level text with purpose & understanding. I can read on-level text orally with accuracy,
appropriate rate, & expression. I can use the context to confirm or self-correct word
recognition & understanding, and reread as necessary.