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Voice Recognition


Local Schools

Soaring to Success

Second Grade Title 1


The Title I Program services students in grades K-6 that need extra assistance
in reading and/or math. Students are selected based on test results and
recommendations of present and/or past teachers. The program focuses on
skills taught in the classroom, but on a more individualized learning level.

i can statement

Gr.2 "I Can Statements"

Key Ideas & Details (Literature):  I can ask & answer questions such as how, what, where, when,
                                                          why, & how to demonstrate understanding of key details in                                                           text.  I can recount stories, and determine their central message,
                                                          lesson, or moral.  I can describe how characters in a story
                                                          respond to major events & challenges.
Key Ideas & Details (Informational Text):  I can ask & answer questions to demonstrate
                                                                          understanding of key details.  I can identify the main
                                                                          topic of a multi-paragraph text.  I can know & use
                                                                          various text features.
Phonics & Word Recognition:  I can know & apply grade-level phonics & word analysis skills in
                                                     decoding words. (Long & short vowels, vowel teams, 2-syllable
                                                    words, prefixes & suffixes, irregular spelled words.  
Fluency: I can read with sufficient accuracy & fluency to support comprehension.  I can read
               on-level text with purpose & understanding.  I can read on-level text orally with accuracy,
               appropriate rate, & expression.  I can use the context to confirm or self-correct word
               recognition & understanding, and reread as necessary.


Gr.2 Assignments

Assignments are determined by the regular classroom teacher.
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