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Local Schools

Soaring to Success

art 7

7th Grade Art

Welcome to Seventh Grade Art 
I look forward to working with you this school year!
Expectations: Everyone should be to class on time and have a pencil, eraser, a set of colored pencils and their daily planner. Please refer to the resource tab at the bottom of the page. You will find my course syllabus which has a course description and general classroom policies. 

i can statement

Fourth Quarter
I can...
  • Explore how personal experiences, interest, cultural heritage and gender influence an artist’s style and choice of subject matter.

  • Identify professions that use artistic skills and problem-solving. 

  • Identify sources of visual culture in society and the media and discuss how the messages they convey affect personal and consumer choices.

  • Improve craftsmanship and refine ideas in response to feedback. 

  • Manipulate materials, tools and technology in conventional and unconventional ways to create a work of art.

  • Represent depth and volume in their two-dimensional works of art.

  • Speculate about an artist's intentions and message in a work using relevant references to the work. 

  • Describe how experiences in galleries, museums and other cultural institutions can stimulate the imagination and enrich people’s lives.  

  • Develop and use criteria to guide reflection and assessment of selected personal artworks.

  • Assess one’s own work and working process and the work of others in relation to criteria and standards. 


Class Assignments for the week of May 24-28, 2021
are posted in Google Classroom.

Homework - None at this time.

Remember that late homework is subject to the homework policy in your student handbook. 


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